

Magnetic Bookmarks


September 2019

- The Captain's House -


There is a little 'get to know yourself' game that starts like this: "You see a path that leads to a house. Describe the path: is it long, is it short, is it straight or winding? And now describe your house, what does it look like?" I still remember the answer of my friend Sigi: "The way to my house is quite straight, but not short. It leads through a garden with many blooming flowers. My house is a real Nordic house with a thatched roof. At the top there is a window and you can see from there to the sea." Sigi laughed: "Oh yes – and my house is yellow, yellow like the sun."

One day I said to Sigi: "Imagine a house just like the one you described in the game the other day, I discovered it on the Darß peninsular in the pretty village of Born – and I painted it too." – "Show me," Sigi enthused about the surprise. "Yes, that's exactly it! The house corresponds exactly to my imagination. Oh, isn't it nice that such a thing actually exists?" – "It gets even better. The owner is also incredibly nice. When she saw that I was painting and only had my bicycle as a support, she actually brought me a chair to sit on and a little later a plate of homemade cherry pie on a tray. For me and Klaus. She also told us the exciting story of her house. Her husband was a captain and knew the world a little. One day he came back from a trip and had had enough of the dreary grey of the facade. Without further ado, he organised a bucket of yellow paint, which was not exactly easy in the days of East Germany, and gave his house a new coat of paint. 'You won't believe what this has meant for our attitude to life,' the nice old lady recalled, 'because soon the neighbours began to get paint in some way. And so our village suddenly became colourful. As colour attracts colours, there were many more flowers in the gardens everywhere. Garden fences were painted, wooden benches were built, shutters and doors were decorated – well and that's how it has remained until today,' she said."

"It's splendid," exclaimed Sigi, "when good things keep on going. By the way: in my imagination, my house had a large, cosy open plan living room with a kitchen and room for many friends. What does your house look like from the inside?" That had been the next question in my ‘Recognize Yourself Game.’ – “Oh, I can't answer that question. But the captain's wife rents out a room. You can find out for yourself." – "And what do you think, can you see the Baltic Sea from the window above?" – "Not that. But you have a clear view of the Bodden lagoon.”


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