

Magnetic Bookmarks


story behind

Every painting tells a story

July 2024 - Mountain World
July 2024 - Mountain World - Aren't mountains wonderful motifs for a plein air painter? They don't run away, they don't sway in the wind, they are simply stable, unlike waves and clouds. No wonder I was so keen to finally travel to... »read more

June 2024 - Asparagus Season
June 2024 - Asparagus Season -   Every family has something that unites parents and children – be it games evenings, music or bike rides. An asparagus field united us and the asparagus season was like a fifth season for us. From... »read more

May 2024 - Carnival of Cultures
May 2024 - Carnival of Cultures - Berlin, you wonderful, multi-faceted city. Original Berliners, Berliners by choice and visitors from all over the world love and appreciate the informal coexistence and cultural life here, which has... »read more

April 2024 - Lambing
April 2024 - Lambing - It was a beautiful spring day a few years ago when the lambs were snuggled up to their mothers' warming bellies, either individually or in pairs, on the Koop sheep meadow near Trittau. They were all snoozing... »read more

March 2024 - The Wanaka tree - A Turning Point
March 2024 - The Wanaka tree – A Turning Point - I actually like to be surprised – by people and situations alike. It's only when reality doesn't match my expectations at all that it sometimes takes a little longer for me to... »read more

February 2024 - Rays of Sunshine
February 2024 - Rays of Sunshine - Many thoughts go through my mind during the course of the day. From time to time, idioms pop into my head: "The early bird catches the worm," I often think when I'm in a good mood early in the... »read more

January 2024 - Rainbow Phenomenon
January 2024 - Rainbow Phenomenon - For many, a rainbow symbolises peace, hope and diversity – and for me, it also symbolises a joie de vivre. For children and adults alike, it is a marvellous natural phenomenon. Seeing it always... »read more

O Christmas Tree With a Bow
December 2023 -  O Christmas Tree With a Bow  - For me, a Christmas tree is as much a part of Christmas as Christmas carols and presents. When the tree is decorated on Christmas Eve, invisible to children's eyes behind a closed door,... »read more

November 2023 - Opening Doors and Gates to Fantasies
November 2023 - Opening Doors and Gates to Fantasies -   As a motif, doors arouse emotions – regardless of whether they are open or closed, whether you look out into the world or into a room. Doors connect the inside with the... »read more

October 2023 - Favourite Place
October 2023 - Favourite Place - Some places act like magnets, they simply cast a spell. They are paths in a park, trails in the forest, streets in the city, routes that I always like to take by car. Or a certain high vantage... »read more