

Magnetic Bookmarks


April 2024

- Lambing -


It was a beautiful spring day a few years ago when the lambs were snuggled up to their mothers' warming bellies, either individually or in pairs, on the Koop sheep meadow near Trittau. They were all snoozing together in the midday sun – and I stood at the side of the road leaning against my bike, gazing at the idyll for a long time.

Suddenly, something happened, the time for an afternoon nap was obviously over for the little ones. Heads were stretching everywhere, one lamb after the other got up on its knees and rose from its mother's cosy fur. It was easy to see that the first steps were still clumsy and unsteady, but soon the lambs were jumping and hopping all over the meadow. They gathered in small groups, bleated excitedly, and trotted off to the old trailer that stood in the middle of the meadow. What were they doing there? Some started to run around it – and the others joined in. Slowly at first, then faster and faster, they all made one lap after another around the old frame. The sound of baa-baa-baa came from all directions. At first, just one sheep jumped over the thick tree trunk that lay a little to one side of the trailer, then all the others followed its example. Baa-baa-baa. The uproar of the lambs now also brought three or four mother animals to their feet. Like anxious kindergarten teachers, they ran round with the young ones, only more slowly and cumbersome. The bleating of the old ones sounded dark and muffled, while the young ones' voices were bright and cheerful. Not a single ewe jumped over the tree trunk. Far too strenuous with all that thick winter wool on their bodies! The first ewe sank exhausted into the grass. And the little ones were also running out of breath. Break. Enough excitement for today. All the lambs set off in search of their mothers and immediately snuggled up to their fluffy tummies again. How lovely to doze off again in the warm spring sunshine and daydream.

Years later, when I finally painted the Koop sheep meadow, the lambs' happy activity was unfortunately not repeated. But every time I look at my painting, I see the 'kindergarten gang' romping around the trailer and my heart warms. I love these animals!


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