

Magnetic Bookmarks


February 2024

- Rays of Sunshine -


Many thoughts go through my mind during the course of the day. From time to time, idioms pop into my head: "The early bird catches the worm," I often think when I'm in a good mood early in the morning. "Behind the clouds, the sky is always blue," when the day seems dull and colourless. "After rain comes sunshine," is my consolation when something has gone wrong. I have made the Roman 'Carpe Diem' and my husband's beautiful saying "The glass is half full," my personal mottoes. I sometimes follow my father's motto 'If you say A, you must say B' – but not always. The Arabic saying "Patience and humour are the two camels that get you through the desert," or the Pacific saying "The water does not separate the islands, it connects them," have appealed to me ever since I heard them. "Tame birds sing of freedom, but the wild ones fly," once motivated me to embark on a journey into the unknown. I like these succinct, pithy sayings: "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" – "A book is a silent teacher" – "The world is no bigger than the window you open to it." There are so many of them and it's nice to know a great deal of them. Especially when the days are grey and gloomy, my favourite saying "When you think of the sun, you see its rays" immediately bathes the world in a different light.

Words of wisdom inspire and help us to rethink and reassess everyday situations – and they do exist: the powerful sayings that can even change a life. They simply have to suit us and don't get stuck in our heads by chance. When I paint my watercolours, I follow my guiding principle "The journey is the reward." Because one thing is true: "Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder." This also applies to a painting.


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